
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hey everyone!
Today I am going to share some of my favorite things that I've seen on Pinterest this week.

Favorite gadget: Instagram Polaroid Camera (isn't this cool?)

Favorite jewelry piece:

Favorite space: 

Favorite DIY:

Favorite hair:

& Favorite laugh: 

I hope everyone's having a great week!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hey, guys!
I have an 8 am tomorrow and need to get to bed so this post will be brief, but I couldn't help but share a new discovery of mine. One thing I will post about frequently is new music I find and want to share with you all, so this post is the beginning of many.

Today's lucky winner is..
The Trials of Van Occupanther

I found this band randomly on Pandora, and they're freaking awesome. Give them a listen, you'll most likely love them too.

My Favorite Tracks:
Head Home
We Gathered in Spring
Young Bride

Have a good week, blogosphere.
- Hannah

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Instead of working on my research paper, I felt like I needed to post something about myself so here it is! 
My favorite things about this weekend: 

      I had the privilege to vote

I drank this really sweet strawberry lemonade

and I received my new hairdryer! 

I am currently:
excited about going home for Thanksgiving break and spending time with my family
worried about next semester
reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 
wondering about what the rest of the week holds
craving my mom's cooking
listening to Michael Buble's Christmas cd (I know, I know. It's not even Thanksgiving yet!)
watching Lost and America's Next Top Model


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Halloween in Instagrams (and our first post ever!)

Gary, Mike, Hannah, and Rahul gathered around the table waiting for blizzards

Our blizzards

Mike, Hannah, and Rahul cheesing


The few days leading up to Halloween this year, we watched scary movies, talked about what we were planning on doing, and drove around to find a creepy place to adventure into. We ended up spending Halloween driving around in Mike's cruiser in the 50 degree weather, listening to Coldplay, looking for a prime spot at a lake to shoot fireworks. Although we didn't find a great spot to shoot fireworks since all the ways to get into the lake were sketchy, we did stop by Dairy Queen and were delighted with cookie dough and Snickers Blizzards. We listened to Gary, Mike, and Rahul debate over a topic completely random, indulged in our blizzards, and made memories to last us until next year. We made it back to the dorm and finished the night off with Tucker and Dale vs Evil. Overall, this Halloween has been filled with laughter, scary movies, and adventure.