
Monday, December 3, 2012

Hi, readers!
I'm sorry we've been M.I.A. the last few weeks! We were on Thanksgiving break and now we're almost to finals week. During our Christmas break it will be a lot easier to post since we will have more time on our hands!
So, here is an impromptu post about my day:

After I got back to our room after class today, I began our 78 problem math final review........
It was bad. I couldn't remember half the stuff I'm supposed to know. I guess that's why I'm studying a week in advance.

I listened to my random playlist that has music from Celine Dion to Fun.

I can't sit still when I'm studying or doing homework, so I began to reminisce (cheesy, I know).

And then I painted my nails.

And then I thought to myself "I need to reevaluate my dream jar." (Yes, I know. This is cheesy too.) I have a "dream jar" where I put all the things I want to do in my life in and set it on my desk, so I stay try to stay on task. I guess it's really there to remind me of the things that I want to do and the adventures I want to have, and that I should be doing my work, so I can do these things that I want so badly.

And then I looked down at this. All the things that I have to study for and finish. It's such a downer, but it's okay. This means one day closer to Christmas break!

Good luck to all those out there who are taking exams/finals/big tests!

Sorry, I couldn't resist!!!

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