
Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow Day

Since we have been back at school, it's been cloudy, overcast, rainy, windy, dreary, and so on. Yesterday, leaving my physical science class, I saw flurries from the window and ran outside to see the small snow flurries floating down from the sky. It made all the bad weather so worth it! (Also, it's SUPER sunny today :))
They were so pretty....until they landed on my head and soaked my hair. This is a picture (before my hair was soaking wet) right when the flurries started coming down:
After I took my cliche picture of me in the snow, I went to my psychology class and this is what it looked like when I came out:
Isn't is beautiful? Snow makes everything look so pretty!

Also, did we mention we cut all our hair off?

I hope you all have a great holiday on Monday!

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