
Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hello, everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break and New Year's Eve!
I had the best break. I spent most of it lounging around watching Downton Abbey, Lost, and catching up on the latest Pretty Little Liars season so I can watch it this TuesdAy! (see what I did there?) My family and I watched the Nativity and went to our Christmas Eve candle light service. Christmas day we opened presents and had our traditional cinnamon roll breakfast. That evening, my aunt, uncle, and two little boy cousins came up from Florida to visit. We hung out, shopped, and went out to eat. We spent New Year's at some friends' house--it was a blast bringing in 2013 with friends who are like family.
Summing up the first week of 2013:
I got to snuggle on the couch with my favorite guy and watch The Lord of the Rings with him and my sister.
I got to spend some time with my younger sis
I got a really good deal on some really cute shoes

I received a really cool gift that I can't keep my hands off!
I got to spend New Year's Eve with this guy
I also was able to have lunch with my dad and try my first Vietnamese dish this week.
And I went to Nashville with my family and my boyfriend to shop at Opry Mills and eat at Chuy's (if you haven't eaten there, I highly suggest it. It's great Mexican food!).
My break was filled with so many laughs and good quality time with my family that I've missed so much.
Tomorrow I head back to Birmingham and start my last semester as a Freshman. I'm so excited!

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