
Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend in photos

This weekend was perfect. The temperature outside was just right. The wind was insane, but it turned into a breeze later on in the day. And, the sun was shining. So, we spent most of the weekend outside!

We hung out with friends in perfect weather:
 We stayed out all afternoon and watched the sun go down last night:
We hammocked:
Hannah and I went shopping in 30 minutes and I snagged these sandals:
& Hannah and I both downloaded a new fisheye app (ignore my finger in the right corner): 


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Weekend Style

Spring is almost here! I am so ready for the warm weather to arrive so I can break out my spring clothes! Until then, maybe this outfit will hold me over :)

Spring Weekend Style
How do you wear maxi skirts?

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Weekend in Instagrams

This past weekend I went home. I grabbed takeout from Panda Express with my sister, ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast, went to Firehouse for a lunch date with my mom and sister and experienced the great soda machine (I got vanilla root beer), shopped all day, bought some new boots, added to my Essie nail polish collection, played with my puppy, went to Mellow Mushroom with my family, finally beat my mom at Ruzzle, enjoyed a beautiful sunset on the way back to Birmingham, and enjoyed my favorite brand of juice smoothies this morning.
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Last Minute

Being a college student is hard. We stay up late to watch another show, we "accidentally" sleep past our alarm, or we have no motivation to get up in the morning. Whatever your excuse may be, you can still put an outfit together that doesn't look "last minute." Today I wanted to show you an outfit I put together for all the "just rolled out of bed" days we have as college students.

Last Minute


Friday, January 25, 2013

Business Glamour

Hey, everyone! Today I'm going to test myself again with another outfit!
Being in the school of business at UAB requires that students look professional once a student is further along in college. This outfit that I made is an example of how to look sophisticated and chic at the same time. I hope you all like it!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Crochet Headband

Today we just wanted to make a shout out to a new friend we have made. Her name is Lexi and she makes the cutest crochet headbands and scarves! Check her out on Facebook at: and on Instagram at crochet_by_lexi !

-Hannah & Carrie

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Date Night

Since I am wanting to own a boutique when I get older, I am trying to force myself to dive into the fashion world and understand the ins and outs of fashion, trends, and so on. I love clothes, shoes, accessories, everything. So, this will be a fun learning experience for me! 
After saying all this, I just want to try to test my creativity and post outfit ideas for different occasions sporadically. Here's my first one!
With this outfit, I tried to bring out the light color of the sweater with the flats and gold jewelry. Also, I am head over heels for that aqua bag!

Date Night


Friday, January 18, 2013

Snow Day

Since we have been back at school, it's been cloudy, overcast, rainy, windy, dreary, and so on. Yesterday, leaving my physical science class, I saw flurries from the window and ran outside to see the small snow flurries floating down from the sky. It made all the bad weather so worth it! (Also, it's SUPER sunny today :))
They were so pretty....until they landed on my head and soaked my hair. This is a picture (before my hair was soaking wet) right when the flurries started coming down:
After I took my cliche picture of me in the snow, I went to my psychology class and this is what it looked like when I came out:
Isn't is beautiful? Snow makes everything look so pretty!

Also, did we mention we cut all our hair off?

I hope you all have a great holiday on Monday!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hello, everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break and New Year's Eve!
I had the best break. I spent most of it lounging around watching Downton Abbey, Lost, and catching up on the latest Pretty Little Liars season so I can watch it this TuesdAy! (see what I did there?) My family and I watched the Nativity and went to our Christmas Eve candle light service. Christmas day we opened presents and had our traditional cinnamon roll breakfast. That evening, my aunt, uncle, and two little boy cousins came up from Florida to visit. We hung out, shopped, and went out to eat. We spent New Year's at some friends' house--it was a blast bringing in 2013 with friends who are like family.
Summing up the first week of 2013:
I got to snuggle on the couch with my favorite guy and watch The Lord of the Rings with him and my sister.
I got to spend some time with my younger sis
I got a really good deal on some really cute shoes

I received a really cool gift that I can't keep my hands off!
I got to spend New Year's Eve with this guy
I also was able to have lunch with my dad and try my first Vietnamese dish this week.
And I went to Nashville with my family and my boyfriend to shop at Opry Mills and eat at Chuy's (if you haven't eaten there, I highly suggest it. It's great Mexican food!).
My break was filled with so many laughs and good quality time with my family that I've missed so much.
Tomorrow I head back to Birmingham and start my last semester as a Freshman. I'm so excited!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Salted Caramel (and m&m) Pretzel Bark

Surprise! This is neither Carrie nor Hannah writing to you today. I go by Marybeth, although most call me "Mareth", and I have the honor of being a guest on Hannah and Carrie's blog today! I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing.. okay actually extremely new, as in, this is my first one ever. So bear with me.
Being Christmas break and all, Hannah, Carrie, and myself made it a priority early on that we would meet up one day to eat Panda Express (never can get enough) and find something to bake off of Pinterest.
What did we decide to bake, you ask? Well, let me tell you.
Salted Caramel Pretzel Bark (with our spontaneous crushed m&m topping!)

Here's how (and how not to do it):

Original Ingredients:
1/2 bag of twisted pretzels
2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
1 cup of brown sugar
1 bag of chocolate chips (2 cups)

Our Final Ingredients:
1/2 bag of twisted pretzels
2 jars of Smucker's caramel
1 bag of chocolate chips
1 cup of m&m's

Now, if you feel like you are a cooking guru, feel free to go with the original ingredients. Surely your experience won't be as disastrous as ours.

-To start out, go ahead and preheat your oven to 350ยบ.
-Next, get out a large pan and line it with wax paper. Then, lay out the pretzels side by side until you've covered the pan.
-Now, here is the tricky part--the caramel. The original recipe says to "melt the butter and the brown sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Let it boil gently just until it starts to stick to the bottom and it forms a nice smooth caramel."- MaryEllen M
We tried this...TWICE and failed miserably each time. The first time with consistency, and the second time when we finally got the consistency right.. it was just straight up burnt.
-SO, if you're like us and want to try an easier (and less frustrating) way, your next step is to heat the caramel jars one at a time in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
-Once you've melted the caramel, you are to pour the caramel over the pretzels evenly. If you don't cover every pretzel, that's okay as long as the caramel is at least touching each pretzel to hold the bottom together.
-Once this is complete, put the pan in the oven for 5 minutes.

-Remove the pan and evenly sprinkle the entire bag of chocolate chips.
-You may then put it back in the oven for a minute to help with the melting. Once you take it out, use a spatula to spread the chocolate chips.

-In this optional step we took about a cup of m&m's and crushed them in a plastic bag. Then, sprinkle them on top until your heart's content!

-Now, all you have to do is put it in the freezer for about an hour.  When you take it out, the caramel underneath will still be a little gooey--but what do you really expect?

Now that doesn't sound too bad, right? It's a great treat to make if you're short on time but need a delicious treat to make. Oh, and not to mention it's ridiculously GOOD. I hope you enjoy making/eating it as much as we did! Also, be sure to check back regularly for some pretty cool posts by Carrie and Hannah (they learned everything they know from me). You really don't want to miss out.
Hey, readers! I know, its been an extremely long time since I've posted. 
I actually created whole post on HOW TO: Make Oreo Balls with pictures and everything, but somehow it wouldn't post here and the other copy on my laptop was accidentally deleted.. oops.

So since I failed at making my first baking post, click here for an equally good post on how to make Oreo Balls.

And if you still aren't satisfied, feel free to check out this video my sister, Ali, and I made over the holidays.
SPOILER ALERT: only 20% of this video is about baking and the rest is my sister being ridiculous. but its funny, so go watch it anyways!

 I hope all of you had a GREAT Christmas and I promise I'll try to post more!
Also, be looking out for a successful baking post from a special guest blogger soon!

- Hannah